duminică, 17 ianuarie 2010

Iceland for me ....

I am home for 2 weeks now, but I still think about it. Someone told me I should take my soul out of there and get it home with me :). On the other way all my life I did this. I took my soul out of the places it loved to be and kept it with me were it was supose to be.

Iceland was just the beginning. My soul got it's unswers there. I try to put them in order now.

I don't even know when I decided to go there . It just happened. All the "road" until i reached Iceland it was a complete mess. I got there 26 hours later then i was suposed to arrive ( flights lost and some delayed). My luggage was missing, I had no local money and the Flybus that should take me to town was gone for 2 minutes. The next one came 3 hours later:). But it was this lady. She got me a coffee and smoked with me until next flybus came. She huged me in the end and wished me a nice stay and lots of fun.

And I had a nice stay and lots of fun :). I met wonderfull people, I enjoyed every minute of my staying, I found out things about me that still amaze me. And I am full of questions now. What is going to happen next, what I want to do , were I want to go and what is the purpose.

It is dificult for me to describe the feeling I had while I was there. It was Peace. Just peace and joy........ enjoying life, people in my life, old friends, exhusband, family...... new friends, new experiences, courage for the life I always wanted to live.


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