duminică, 5 septembrie 2010

The Big Day!...... or is it?

Lately my facebook home page is being assaulted with a lot of wedding albums shared by proud brides, grooms, brides mades and photographers who unfortunately discovered their talent on this kind of events due to the so cultural Romanian life.

I realized how time is giving its print to this events how the pictures changed, the brides dresses are much more styled from the times when i was a bride how the main actors faces are younger and younger but their hopeful smiles are the same. Eyes full of joy and trust in the future to come and in the love they bare for one another.

And then I wonder...... how long is going to take for them to realize that the fairytale is not a fairytale after all. I am sure some of them will see at one point that it is more than that and for some it will be better. They will grow to appreciate the mutual respect and the friendship that this kind of contract needs in order for it to work. Or they will just crunch their teeth and realize there is no other way now since the baby was already produced in that first year when the love was still there.

And slowly the will lo live this life at it’s full potential will vanish and some other hobbies will come in their life, anything just to make the time pass and make the pain easier.

Maybe I say this because of my failed marriage, because I finally realized that no new hobby will make the pain easier. ( And trust me I tried many) . Or maybe I say this because every time I see a new wedding album on my facebook home page I want to scream and tell them stop making a joke out of Love. Feel first and think after cos later when you will be tired of thinking the feeling you will have will kill you. Realize that Love is not this needy feeling that you have every time you look at the “loved” one. It is not the control or the changes you try to pressure on him/her. It is not the addiction you feel for that person and it is not the safe feeling you get from being a couple.

Love is so much more that many of us never get to understand it and feel it at it’s right. It is the most selfless act, it is the most surrendering and it is full commitment, something that it has to come from your soul and not from some society or religious rules.

Congratulations on The Big Day:)