sâmbătă, 15 mai 2010

The End.....

Why we lose focus? Why we let egos destroy love? Why we are not mature and responsible regarding our lives our relationships our love?

We start such complex and painful conflicts based on our hard convictions. Convictions that we don't realize what they are anymore. They are us now. When we finally start to open our eyes and see the long gone purpose the messed trust in ourselves and others we cut our feet in the little pieces of broken glass ….. glass that was our heart…. our soul……. and then, you see why you always have to be yourself.

Today I was crying in a parking lot holding in my arms a beautiful soul. The one that was my husband my closest friend the most intimate person in my life. The one that told me he loves me and ………… All is gone, I have 10 years of amazing memories left, a broken heart and a confused soul. I did this to myself for not allowing me to be ME.

I have the memory of this moment when we both cried in each others arms for the last time.